Flexible SpiritTec+Sound™ Healing Technology packages to suit your specific requirements
$610 USD

• Does not include PreSonus Eris 4.5 speakers and ATOM 16 pad controller (sourced locally)
• includes the packaging of the sound files (Mac or PC) for the Studio One software
• includes the Basic Sound File
Basic Sound File - 15 Instruments (included as part of SpiritTec+Sound, no additional charge)
- Earth: Earth Ohm 01, Earth Ohm 02, Earth Day 02, Earth Precession 02
- Moon: Synodic 02, Sideric 02
- Sun 01
- Nature: Meadow, Forest, Shoreline, Above Stream, Stream, Yaak Falls
- White Noise
- Pink Noise
Fibonacci Sound Files: $144 US each or $610 US for bundle of all 5 available Sound Files
- Earth Ohm, Chariklo, Chiron, Sedna
- 9 Instruments each in Octave Progression of 01, 02, 03, 05, 08, 13. 21, 34, 55
- Water Phi : 9 Instruments in Golden Mean progression
Planetary Sound Files: $233 US each or $610 US for bundle of all 3 available Sound Files
- 3 Sound Files available: Octave 01 (Low), Octave 02 (Mid), Octave 03 (High)
- 13 Instruments in each Octave:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chariklo, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Charon, Sedna
Earth Alternate, Sun & Moon Files: $144 US
- 16 Instruments:
Earth Ohm 01, Earth Day 01, Earth Day 02, Earth Day 03, Earth Precession 01,
Earth Precession 02, Earth Precession 03, Sun 01, Sun 02, Sun 03,
Moon Synodic 01, Moon Synodic 02, Moon Synodic 03, Moon Sideric 01,
Moon Sideric 02, Moon Sideric 03
Custom Wooden Speaker Stands: $144 US per set of 2
- built to Fibonacci dimensions with the correct speaker angle for best results.